The all-in-one sales tool
for freelancers

Get leads, manage your projects and paperwork all in one place
Used by +55 000 freelancers
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Boost your freelance business

All the features you need to take your freelance business to the next level.

Lead generation

Search a database of over 110 000 prospects. No more $0 months, get leads consistently.

Smoother process

Conversations, contracts, payments... Everything made easier to help you stay focused.

Budget tracking

Keep track of your revenue, estimate your taxes and analyze your expenses.

Start growing your freelance business

Get 14 days of free access to Kiyoo by signing up today.

Close more deals

Kiyoo helps you connect with more potential clients based on your skills & profile. Get quality leads consistently.

Powerful CRM

Spend less time on paperwork & recurring tasks, and spend more time on growing your business. All your leads and clients are managed in one place.


Enjoy a 14 day free trial on any plan.

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What our clients say about us.
“The automation tool saves me sooo much time, I love it!”
John Cruz
Finance consultant
“I’ve tried almost every CRM on the market and Kiyoo is really the best option for Freelancers”
Sarah Tiory
“The best thing about Kiyoo is the ease of use, I don’t have to waste time on different tools. Kiyoo has it all.”
Alex Brown
“The automation tool saves me sooo much time, I love it!”
John Cruz
Finance consultant
“I’ve tried almost every CRM on the market and Kiyoo is really the best option for Freelancers”
Sarah Tiory
“The best thing about Kiyoo is the ease of use, I don’t have to waste time on different tools. Kiyoo has it all.”
Alex Brown
“The automation tool saves me sooo much time, I love it!”
John Cruz
Finance consultant
“I’ve tried almost every CRM on the market and Kiyoo is really the best option for Freelancers”
Sarah Tiory
“The best thing about Kiyoo is the ease of use, I don’t have to waste time on different tools. Kiyoo has it all.”
Alex Brown
“The automation tool saves me sooo much time, I love it!”
John Cruz
Finance consultant
“I’ve tried almost every CRM on the market and Kiyoo is really the best option for Freelancers”
Sarah Tiory
“The best thing about Kiyoo is the ease of use, I don’t have to waste time on different tools. Kiyoo has it all.”
Alex Brown

Start growing your freelance business

Get 14 days of free access to Kiyoo by signing up today.